Friday – 7 th Week in Ordinary Time Gospel – Mark 10:2-12 In Good Times and In Bad…. Wedding Chapel at Cana I have a confession to make. I live in a divided house, and it’s been that way for over 50 years. Ginger and I are on opposite sides of a disagreement and both of us are resolute and infinitely stubborn. Nothing I do can change her mind and the same with her. Most days the argument is left unspoken but it’s always there. Day after day, I try to get Ginger to accept my point of view but it only falls on deaf ears. And so it is with her arguments for me! After all these years, it seems the issue will never be resolved! You see, I’m a coffee-drinker and Ginger only drinks tea! It seems such a minor issue but I think it is at the heart of what Jesus is addressing in today’s Gospel when He is asked about divorce. We are meant to be together; we are meant to commit ourselves to each other. ...