Wednesday – 7th Week in Ordinary Time

Gospel – Mark 9:38-40 

God’s Mysterious Ways

Mass at Capernaum

I got a phone call last night from a parishioner.  Never talked to her before, never even met her!  But she wanted to offer her thanks.  Somehow, some way, in the process of hearing the proclamation of Sunday’s Gospel (turn the other cheek, forgive and you will be forgiven), she saw the light.  After a long-held grudge against someone (she was right, they were wrong), after hearing that Gospel dozens of times over the years, the light of the Word shone through!  She finally let go of the burden; she finally forgave the other person and forgave herself.  Talk about the power of the Word!  Not the words of the homily!  The Word itself!

God certainly works in mysterious ways.  Just like in today’s Gospel where someone is using Jesus’ name and casting out demons.  The Apostles are upset because they weren’t part of the ‘group’.  Jesus’ response!  Don’t prevent them!  If they aren’t working against us, they are for us; they are a part of us!  In another Gospel passage He remarks – the wind blows where it will.  Who are we to say whom it will fall on!  That’s the power of the Word, the power of the Spirit!

O Lord, great peace have they who love your law.
My lips pour forth your praise,
because you teach me your statutes.



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