Thursday – 7th Week in Ordinary Time
Gospel – Mark 9:41-50
Heavy Lifting
Calvary Stone, Church of Holy Sepulchre
As I read today’s Gospel, there is one word that resonates with me – millstones! Millstones are huge circles of stones used to grind grain down into flour. In the ancient world, millstones weighed hundreds of pounds. Just imagine one of them draped around your neck.
Today’s Gospel uses them as a punishment for those who cause sin to others, especially children. But consider, if you will, the millstones that we are all shackled with. Some are of our own making – selfishness, greed, jealousy, ambition and pettiness. These we have deliberately chosen, and they distract us from our true mission of love and compassion. Other millstones may have been thrust upon us – dealing with a crippling disease or loss, fear of the future or our job or finances, or worries about our country and our world. Consider all our children and grandchildren who continue to suffer from and carry the burdens of the effects of Covid – physical pain, depression, and isolation. Whatever the circumstance, they drag us down, immobilize us and prevent us from moving forward in life.
Whatever weighs us down, whatever paralyzes our good intentions, Jesus reminds us in another passage: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Lay your burden down. Trust in the Lord, our Savior and our God!
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