Friday – 7th Week in Ordinary Time
Gospel – Mark 10:2-12
In Good Times and In Bad….
Wedding Chapel at Cana
I have a confession to make. I live in a divided house, and it’s been that way for over 50 years. Ginger and I are on opposite sides of a disagreement and both of us are resolute and infinitely stubborn. Nothing I do can change her mind and the same with her. Most days the argument is left unspoken but it’s always there. Day after day, I try to get Ginger to accept my point of view but it only falls on deaf ears. And so it is with her arguments for me! After all these years, it seems the issue will never be resolved! You see, I’m a coffee-drinker and Ginger only drinks tea!
It seems such a minor issue but I think it is at the heart of what Jesus is addressing in today’s Gospel when He is asked about divorce. We are meant to be together; we are meant to commit ourselves to each other. That doesn’t mean there aren’t times when relationships die or when they become so violent or harmful that we must step aside. What I mean is that sometimes we give up too easily!
Relationships, marriages, require time, effort, and teamwork; it is not something we should take for granted. Those “I do’s” signal the beginning of a marriage, the beginning of WE, not simply I.
Ginger and I have been married for over 50 years. Smooth sailing? Not always! Was it work and effort? Yup! Were there missteps and stumbles? Of course! But there was (is) also a lot of laughter and love and joy. And through it all, we grew, and we continue to grow together. Just remember that God loves us always and never gives up on us. He is committed to our growth in faith and in love. He reminds us today to do the same – don’t give up on each other; don’t give up so easily on any of our relationships. Put in the effort and work at being a better US! God hasn’t given up on us; why should we give up on each other?
Ginger, my wife, my best friend, always has this one word to remind me of our relationship – STUCK!! We are stuck to each other, stuck with each other, in every good sense imaginable. It means, no matter what, I am right here by your side, we are stuck together; we face whatever life throws at us TOGETHER! STUCK!
UPDATE! In a major attempt at a compromise, a few years ago, I bought a big fancy coffee machine, one that not only grinds beans but also brews coffee, espresso and even capucchino. It also provides instant hot water at the touch of a button (for those tea drinkers). Sadly, my efforts have backfired. My single bag of coffee beans is now surrounded by 4 different bags of tea leaves. Outnumbered and outwitted, at least for now, the ‘debate’ continues!
And while we will never see eye to eye on the benefits of coffee versus tea, every morning before Ginger gets up, I have her first cup of tea hot and ready for the day. And every day that I have been sick or bed-ridden, Ginger brings me a freshly brewed cup of coffee. And you know what, maybe that is what marriage is all about!
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