4 th Sunday of Easter Gospel – John 10:1-10 Mary Had a Little Lamb Mount of Beatitudes on the Sea of Galilee Mary had a little lamb……….. you know the rest. We hear a lot about sheep/shepherds in today’s readings: the very familiar Psalm response – the Lord is my shepherd and the Gospel where Jesus calls Himself the Good Shepherd and the Gatekeeper. But unless we grew up in the country or worked on a farm, our experience of sheep is probably limited to nursery rhymes and petting zoos. Sheep, especially from a child’s perspective, are cute, cuddly. They seem so innocent and trusting. But in a word, sheep are DUMB! Without any guidance, they will wander anywhere; they will eat anything. They have no natural defenses and, without a protector, they are food for any predator. They need a shepherd, someone who watches over them full-time. There is no such thing as a day off for a shepherd; he lives with them day in and day out...