Thursday - Third Week of Easter

Gospel   John 6:44-51

Soul Food

Mass at Cana

One of my ministries here at St. Robert’s is a Bible Study group affectionately known as “Soul Food.”  For the past 6 years, a small group of faithful and dedicated individuals have gathered on Thursday mornings to reflect on the Sunday Scripture readings, that is until March 15, 2020 when the pandemic shut everything down.

Throughout that difficult time, we managed with simple emails and Facebook posts to continue the tradition.  But it was certainly not the same as gathering together as a community of faith.  Thankfully after 14 months of separation and sickness, we met in May of 2021.  You can imagine the joy we shared together as we came together after such a long time apart. 

And I think it says something important directly related to the dedication of our group and especially our ‘name.”   Jesus today continues His discourse on the Bread of Life!  Bread!  And not simple bread, but bread that give us eternal life!  Over the course of the pandemic I learned to make bread and regularly make 2 loaves every week which, by my count, puts me over 100 loaves!  But the number is unimportant!  The bread I make satisfies but only temporarily.  I have to keep making it week after week. 

The Bread Jesus talks about satisfies not the body, but the soul!  And that is what my Bible Study group had been hungering for – food for the soul!  That is what we all hunger for – food that satisfies our spirit and gives us the promise of life eternal!  True Soul Food!


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