Wednesday – 3rd Week of Easter

Gospel – John 6:35-40

Bread of Life

Mass at Gethsemane

So what’s your favorite bread?  White, wheat, rye, sourdough, marble rye, English muffin, Irish soda bread, scone, pita, rice cake, naan, tortilla, sesame, peasant (my favorite to bake), pumperknickel, banana bread, Italian, French, chabati, Challah, unleavened, matzo, baguette, focaccia, brioche, bagel, ciabatta, cornbread, potato bread, Injera?  So many choices!  Such variety!  And I didn’t even mention zucchini bread!  Wow, I am getting hungry!

I am sure I missed a lot of other options but you get the picture.  There is an endless variety of breads, some cultural, some geographical and some religious in nature.  And yet, in spite of all the differences in appearance and taste, they are all the same; they are all BREAD!  And that sameness unites us all, no matter our culture, our religion or our citizenship.

Bread!  It truly is the staff of life!  But it only satisfies and feeds our human life, our physical life!  So what about our spiritual life?  What feeds our soul?  The answer is in today’s Gospel.  “I am the Bread of Life.  Whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.  For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I shall raise him on the last day.”

I have probably baked hundreds of loaves of zucchini bread.  They taste great; they fill my belly and satisfy my hunger, but only for a little while.  What about you?  Is your soul hungry?  Are you thirsting for the Lord?  Do you make time to sit at the table of the Lord? 


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