Thursday after Ash Wednesday

Gospel – Luke 9:22-25

A Slice of Life!

Dinner in Tel Aviv

There was a man who kept a garden in his back yard and every year would grow a variety of vegetables to help feed his family.  But one year, for whatever reason, his garden completely failed, nothing grew at all.  And yet his neighbor, his good friend, had an abundant harvest, loads of tomatoes, zucchini, etc.  In his frustration and upset, he decided to steal from his neighbor. 

So late one night he went out into the darkness to steal from his neighbor’s garden. But he didn’t go alone; he took along his little boy to keep a look-out in case anyone should come along. The man jumped over the fence with a large bag on his arm, and before commencing to take the corn he looked all around to make sure no one was watching, first to the left and then to the right, behind him and in front, and not seeing anyone, he was just about to start filling his bag. And that was when his son yelled out: Dad, You forgot to look up!!

Jesus makes it quite clear in today’s Gospel - What profit is there for one to gain the whole world (or even a few vegetables) and yet lose or forfeit himself?"

There have been plenty of Lenten seasons, especially when I was little, when I ‘gave up’ something that honestly was of little importance, just so I could say I was doing my Lenten duty.  And it had no effect at all!  Life went on!  And then there were times when I took it more seriously and gave up something very important.  And it hurt!  A lot!  Ginger can attest to the time when I gave up desserts, especially PIE!  Ouch!

In the end it was a good example of how attached we can get to the things of this world and lose focus on the next!  So, on this second day of the Lenten season, what have you given up?  Pie?  Vegetables?  Does it hurt?  Does it help you realize the impermanence of this world and its attractions?  Does it speak to you of the importance of the Kingdom to come?


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