Tuesday – 2nd Week in Ordinary Time

Gospel – Mark 2:23-28

Working on the Sabbath

Frere’s Store

Short and Sweet!

While the store was still in operation, my Dad would put in long hours 6 days a week, often working from 6-7am in the morning til 9pm at night.  But not Sundays!  Sundays were for family and church!  However quite often a neighbor would call or stop by on a Sunday in need of milk or eggs, diapers or medicine.  And Dad would always drop what he was doing, open the store and take care of their needs.  That’s just who he was – kind, compassionate, giving, and selfless, no matter what day it was. Even Sundays!

Jesus’ ongoing battles with the Pharisees continue in today’s Gospel.  The disciples are picking and eating grains on the Sabbath, a serious breaking of the ‘no work’ rule, according to the Jewish leaders.  But Jesus responds clearly and bluntly – man is not made for the Sabbath; the Sabbath is made for man!  Should we not offer help and healing to anyone, no matter what day it is??

Follow the spirit of the Law, not merely the letter of the Law!


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