Thursday – Day of Thanksgiving
Gospel – Luke 17:11-19
Giving Thanks
St. Kateri Center Chapel
And so we celebrate this Day of Giving Thanks! It is a day that recalls that event 400 years ago when the Wampanoag people (People of the First Light) shared a meal with the Pilgrims to celebrate the simple gifts of life – shelter, the fruits of the harvest, family and friends, life itself. It was a meal that held so much promise and hope for the future but, even today, that hope for Native Americans remains unrealized and largely ignored!
Forget about all the cleaning and prep work!
Forget about setting the table and assigning seats!
Forget about the appetizers and putting the bird in the oven!
Forget about the mashed potatoes and gravy!
Forget about that ‘secret’ family recipe for the green bean casserole!
Forget about the drumsticks and sweet potatoes!
Forget about the stuffing and the pumpkin pie!
Forget about all of it!
In fact, forget about WHAT you are thankful for!!
Instead, on this Day of Thanksgiving, I invite you to focus on WHO you are thankful for!!
Give thanks for the farmers and merchants who provided the food on your table!
Give thanks for the youth who bagged your groceries!
Give thanks for your friends who are there for you even in the worst of times!
Give thanks for that plumber who fixed the leaky kitchen sink before all the guests arrived!
Give thanks for that daughter who guided and nurtured you through illness and anxiety!
Give thanks for that son who gives of his time and energy to help you make your house a home!
Give thanks for the parents who brought you into this world, who loved you and helped you grow and flourish!
Give thanks for that sister who, in spite of all your teasing, loves you anyway!
Give thanks for your spouse who stood by you especially in times of despair and loss!
Give thanks for family members who have gathered with you in the past on this Day of Giving Thanks and whose memory and love we keep alive by adding an empty chair to the table!
Give thanks for all the people we have taken for granted in our lives and who loved us anyway!
Give thanks for all those who have loved you, inspired you, challenged you, corrected you and set you on the right path, who taught you by their example and stood by you in the best and worst of times!
Give thanks! Just like the leper in today’s Gospel who made the effort to express his thanks in word and in action!
And give thanks to the Creator who brought all these people into your life!
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