Wednesday - 28th Week in Ordinary Time   (revisited)

Gospel – Luke11:42-46

Show and Tell

Spice Market, Jerusalem


Back when I was teaching World Religions, I would have this group project where the students acted out a ritual from the religion we were studying, such as a Hindu wedding ceremony or a Buddhist meditation.  For the most part, they did a fabulous job.  But there were a couple of groups who seemed more interested in the visuals and not the substance!

They got so caught up in dressing for the part, all flashy and bright, that they completely ignored the substance.  They looked great but there was no ritual, no words or action.  What should have been a good half-hour presentation was over in 5 minutes.  Smoke and mirrors

Jesus continues His condemnation of the Pharisees in today’s Gospel calling them out for the same thing.  You put on a good show publicly paying your taxes for something insignificant like spices and herbs; you choose the best seats in the synagogue.  But you pay no attention to the Law itself.  It’s not about how you are dressed or how much applause you get from the people.  God is interested in our actions, how we treat others! Your love of God and others should be evident in your daily life and not on what coat you put on in the morning.

We are all called to be disciples of Christ, not mere performers in a play acting a part.  We are called to live out our Christian faith in our thoughts, our words and in our actions.

Great Spirit, help me today to act on my faith!


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