Wednesday – 30th Week in Ordinary Time

Gospel – Luke 13:22-30

A Tight Squeeze

Entrance to the Church of Holy Sepulchre


Let me share with you the meaning of old age.  It means I can still get down on my knees and crouch while working under the kitchen sink.  But it doesn’t guarantee I can get myself back up!  It means I can’t squeeze myself in-between those piles of boxes to reach my tool chest!  It means that, when I was teaching World Religions and putting myself in a lotus position to teach meditation, nowadays I can’t assume I won’t find my legs permanently locked in that position!

Jesus talks a lot today about tight places and narrow gates.  In His time, the gates of Jerusalem would be closed and locked at night.  Only one gate would be left open and it was small – narrow and low!  And yet Jesus cautions us to enter through the narrow gate. 

His meaning is clear!  In order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, leave behind all our unnecessary baggage.  Stop ‘measuring’ yourself according to the world’s demands – money, power, popularity, possession!  Let them go and leave them behind!  Strive to enter the narrow gate with a clean conscience and a compassionate heart, with faith and love and hope!


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