Thursday – St. Ignatius of Antioch

Gospel – Luke11:47-54

Stand Firm

Church of Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem

We celebrate today the Feast of St. Ignatius, Bishop and Martyr.  He was the 3rd Bishop of Antioch after St. Peter.  Even after he was arrested and then transported to Rome for execution, he was greeted by many of the faithful along the journey and he continued to keep the faith by writing letters of encouragement emphasizing unity and the humanity/divinity of Jesus.

He serves as an example of Jesus’ words today in the Gospel.  “I will send to them prophets and Apostles; some of them they will kill and persecute in order that this generation might be charged
with the blood of all the prophets”.  It is a reminder to us all that even in such dark times, Ignatius did not waver in his faith in God and he continued to spread the Word, even when he stood before his judge and executioner in Rome.

He serves as a reminder that, even in times of sickness and fear for the future, God will not abandon us.  He is there to support us, to comfort us, to sustain us.  Even when we feel at a loss for words when we seek to comfort others and ease their fears, God tells us not to worry!  Even in times when hypocrisy and hostility seem to rule the world, we are not alone!

Great Spirit, show me today how to live!  Give me the courage to do Your Will!


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