Thursday – 30 th Week in Ordinary Time Gospel – Luke 13:31-35 Out of the Darkness Halloween Celebrations As most of you know, I am a sci-fi/fantasy fanatic – Star Trek, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, you name it! And on most Halloween evenings, I will answer the door to trick-or-treaters dressed in my Star Trek uniform and armed with my phaser. Or perhaps as the wise old Gandalf! But this is a different Halloween out here in the country and I can’t imagine we will get many, if any, little ones knocking at the door. It would certainly take more of an effort on their part (and their parents) to navigate their way to our home in the darkness of the Tennessee hills. I would worry about their safety. But we can only hope! And yet worry is exactly what happens in today’s Gospel. Some Pharisees are actually concerned for Jesus’ safety. And they are warning Him to stay away from Jerusalem because Herod wants Him dead. ...