Friday 24th Week in Ordinary Time

Gospel – Luke 8:1-3

A Dignified Approach

Jesus and Mary Magdalene, Magdala

So a question – how old were you when you realized that “Mom” wasn’t really your mother’s name?  When did you find out that she had a real first name, like Susan or Louise?  Wow, imagine that, a special name, just like me and you, not just “mom”!  It seems rather trivial and unimportant but it makes a huge difference.  It gives her a certain dignity, a uniqueness all her own.

The Gospel today is very short but the implications are immense.  Jesus is travelling from town to town accompanied by the Twelve – notice they are NOT called by name.  they are all just lumped together as one unit.  But then something unusual happens – women are mentioned.  And here things get special.  They are mentioned as individuals; they are each called by name.  Compare that with yesterday’s Gospel where the woman who crashed the Pharisee’s dinner party was NOT given a name!

That may seem like no big deal but, in the world at the time, women were treated as second-class citizens.  They were restricted in what they could do and where they could go.  They basically had little to no rights.  And yet here they are, apparently women with some money since they were the ones who were providing for the group’s needs out of ‘their resources’.  And most importantly, they were treated as disciples, just as much as the Twelve.

Jesus gave them respect and dignity.  He treated them as individuals with a unique character and He called them each by their name!  So too with us!  Jesus knows our name!  He calls each of us by name to follow him, serve alongside Him and spread the Word!


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