Monday - 6th Week of Easter

Gospel – John 15:26 – 16:4

This is Gonna Hurt

Storms over Mt. Carmel

Nobody likes going to the dentist.  Even worse, nobody likes hearing the dentist say “This may hurt a bit.”  A bit?  Right, that’s dentist code for grab the armrests and hold on; it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.

That is what we hear in today’s Gospel.  This is gonna hurt!  You are going to feel pain, to suffer.  People will toss you out of the synagogue, torture you, and even kill you for your faith.  The world is full of anger and violence and you are going to feel it because of your faith in Me.  But because of that faith, I am sending you the Spirit, the Advocate to guide and support you.  Keep the faith!  Storms are coming but you are not alone.

Nobody likes hearing bad news; we tend to avoid it at all costs.  Nobody wants to hear that we could die for our Christian faith.  It begs the question – What are you willing to die for?  Who are you willing to die for?  Best friend?  Parents?  Child?  Religious beliefs? 

We always seem to ask that question.  But maybe it’s time to re-phrase the question!  What are you willing to LIVE for?  What are you willing to spend your life in service to?  In this world of uncertainty and violence and selfishness, what are you willing to direct your entire life toward?  Is this life gonna hurt?  Yes, of course!  But what would give your life meaning and purpose?  Is your faith so important, so valuable, that you are willing to face this world and be recognized as a follower of Jesus? 


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