Friday - 6th Week of Easter

Gospel – John 16:20 - 23

I’ve Got Joy, Joy, Joy Down in My Heart

Outside the Old City of Jerusalem

This is a rather short Gospel today but it actually has 2 different threads running through it. The first is a continuation of yesterday’s theme – in the midst of our pain, there will come joy.  Jesus uses the image of a woman going through the pain of giving birth which transforms into the joy of a new life.  While I was there right by Ginger’s side for the entire process of bringing our daughter Jaime into the world, my only remembrance of pain was Ginger’s crushing grip as I held her hand throughout the contractions.  But the emotion of holding Jaime in my arms for the first time – indescribably joyful and beyond words!  And the joy that awaits us in the Kingdom?  Way beyond anything we can imagine!

The second thread reminds us of the importance of prayer.  “Whatever you ask of the Father in My name, He will give you.”  People are not mind-readers.  If you want something, you really do have to ask for it.  And when we are talking about God, that means prayer.  That means we have to talk to God in prayer and do it constantly.  But wait a sec, God will always answer our prayers?  Really?  I will get what I ask for?   But that is not my experience!  And probably not yours either!

What we have to realize is that God can and does answer all our prayers.  But there can be 3 possible answers!  Yes, not right now and I have a better idea!  God never says NO!  Either He says YES, or He says Yes but not right now; it will happen later when I see that the time is right.  Or He says I have a better idea, an idea you hadn’t thought of! 

Either way, we trust and believe that God answers our prayers.  Either way, even in the midst of incredible pain, God does hear our cry and really does respond, at a time that is best for us and in a way that will bring us joy!


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