Easter Thursday 

Gospel – Luke 24:35-48

Peace Be With You

Entrance to the Tomb, Church of Holy Sepulchre

It was many years ago!  We had just returned home from attending the funeral for my grandfather.  It was late at night and I was wide awake, staring at the TV but not really paying attention, and quietly (or so I thought) crying my eyes out over the loss of my dear Pop Pop!  And then my daughter, Jaime, barely 3 years old, came into the living room.  She climbed up into my lap and asked me why I was crying.  I told her I was missing Pop Pop.  Then she gave me this big hug and said, “You don’t have to cry Dad; Pop Pop is up in heaven.”

How can I possibly add to that??  Seriously, out of the mouths of babes!

The Apostles are all huddled together behind locked doors.  They are in fear for their lives and crushed under the weight of sorrow and sadness over the death of their Master.  And then Jesus appears to them.  With simple words, He responds to their distress.  Peace be with you!  Don’t be afraid; I am right here with you!  


Even when we are facing death or the death of a loved one, do not be afraid! 
When Parents Grow Old! Let them grow old with the same love that they let you grow... Let them speak and tell repeated stories with the same patience and interest that they heard yours as a child... Let them overcome, like so many times when they let you win... Let them enjoy their friends just as they let you… Let them enjoy the talks with their grandchildren, because they see you in them... 
Let them enjoy living among the objects that have accompanied them for a long time, because they suffer when they feel that you tear pieces of this life away... Let them be wrong, like so many times you have been wrong and they didn’t embarrass you by correcting you...
LET THEM LIVE and try to make them happy the last stretch of the path they have left to go; give them your hand, just like they gave you their hand when you started your path!

No long speeches!  Just simple words of comfort and support!  Words to remind us all that, even in the worst of moments and situations, we are not alone!  Jesus is with us!  His Peace is upon us always!



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