Easter Saturday 

Gospel – Mark 16:9-15

And Now for Something Completely Different

Along the Palm Sunday Road

Please be advised!  The following is a completely fictitious conversation.  It bears absolutely no resemblance to any situation I may have experienced in my youth!

“So I noticed one of the car’s headlights is smashed.  What happened?  Well, umm, I uh….I guess I kind of hit the garage when I got home.  Sorry!  Well, this will cost to get it fixed.  So since you broke it, you are going to pay for it.  Done!  And be more careful from now on!”

One of the hardest parts of being a parent, I think, is disciplining your child.  Finding that thin line between overly harsh and greatly indulgent!  And beyond all that, there is, of course, a bit of hurt; it’s never a completely ‘good’ feeling.  You know the drill: this hurts me more than it hurts you, I love you but….  And all of that is true!  It’s like that old saying – no one likes to be the bearer of bad news.  Perhaps I should add – no one enjoys punishing their child.  But, in order for them to grow, develop and learn, correction is necessary!

Even as a teacher, we know the value of correcting mistakes and helping the student learn and improve.  We know that, in the long run, the student will learn the lesson.  Of course, when we are younger, either as a child or student, we don’t always recognize the importance of the lesson until we are much further along in life.

And that is what we hear in today’s Gospel from Mark. His story of Jesus’ post-Resurrection appearances is quite different from the other Gospels. The apostles don’t seem to have learned the lesson.  Mary Magdalene told them she had seen the Risen Lord.  The two disciples on the way to Emmaus returned and told their story as well.  And they continued in their disbelief.  And so the Teacher, the Master, returns!  But there is no compassionate greeting, no ‘Peace be with you”!  There is no “Be not afraid”.  Jesus literally appears and begins to rebuke His ‘children’ for their lack of faith. 

It is a hard lesson and we can only imagine their shame in doubting the fact of Jesus’ Resurrection.  But then Jesus quickly gets them back on track.  Get to work!  Stop hiding behind locked doors!  Get out into the world and spread the Word.  He corrects them and then reminds them to learn from this and move on!

And are we any different?  Haven’t we faltered at times, many times?  Doesn’t Jesus offer us an infinite number of opportunities to recognize our sins, ask for forgiveness, and grow in our faith?  Isn’t His Divine Mercy limitless?


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