Tuesday of Holy Week   

Gospel – John 13:21-33, 36-38

A Web of Betrayal

Peter’s Denial – Church of St. Peter Gallicantu

This is NOT an easy Gospel to read, much less pray over.  Betrayal!  Denial!  We see people at their worst, their lowest.  Judas turning his back on Jesus, slinking around in the shadows, in the dead of night, betraying Jesus in secret, all for a bag of money.  Peter, in the light of a charcoal fire, publicly denying he even knows Jesus, not once but 3 separate times.  Judas betraying Jesus in secret by his actions and Peter denying Jesus by his words in public!

If we are truly honest with ourselves, we have all had moments of turning our back on Jesus, moments when we are uncomfortable with proclaiming or living up to our faith, moments when we took the easy way out.  And what does that say about us – that we are human, fragile, fallible, that we all, at times, stumble and fall. 

Judas’ and Peter’s sin both happened BEFORE the cross!  And yet Jesus still accepted his suffering, crucifixion and death.  He didn’t turn His back on us.  He still loves us, even in our weakest moments.  Even when we turn away from Him, Jesus remains right behind us with open arms and loving heart, waiting for us to turn back to Him.


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