Easter Sunday   

Gospel – John 20:1-9

Alleluia Moment!  

Church of the Transfiguration, Mt. Tabor

In another couple of weeks, it will be my Dad’s birthday.  If he were still with us, that would be his 102nd birthday.  Wow!  Just WOW!  It’s been 20 years since his passing and not a day goes by that he is not thought of fondly or remembered with love and joy for a life filled with service and dedication and faith.  So his birthday will be a mix of emotions – sadness, loss, love, joy and gratitude, and most importantly a deep sense of faith that we will meet again in the resurrection of life and in the Kingdom.

We celebrate today the holiest, most important feast of our Christian faith – the Resurrection of Jesus Christ!  It is through His death and Resurrection that He redeemed us of our sins and opened wide the gates of Heaven.  It is truly a day to shout out ALLELUIA!  Praise to the Lord!

Alleluia!! It is a word we have not heard for 40 days.  A word missing from any liturgy for the entire season of Lent!

In point of fact, it is actually 2 words, not one.  And it comes from Hebrew.  The first word HALLELU means ‘praise’ and the second YAH means GOD.  It is the root for the Hebrew word for God  -  YAHWEH.  So literally it means “praise God”.   But even that doesn’t do it justice.  It’s a word of joy, a word used in song, bursting with emotion and happiness!  Kind of like when we hear “Praise the Lord!”  Obviously it is a most appropriate expression for what we celebrate today – the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus.  He who we thought was dead has come back to us; He is risen from the dead!

And we see that word of joy and exultation throughout the Liturgy!  In the Exultet from last night!  In the Responsorial Psalm today, in the Alleluia response and the Sequence!  All of them reflect the joy of the Resurrection!  But not the Gospel!!  Far from it!

We see Mary Magdalene coming to the tomb and finding it open and empty!  We see her running to the Apostles in sadness and distress, convinced that someone has broken into the tomb and stolen Jesus’ body.

We see John and Peter racing to the tomb to check out Mary’s story.  John gets there first (obviously a faster sprinter than Peter), peeks inside and notices the burial cloths but no body.  But respectfully he waits until Peter arrives and respectfully allows Peter to enter the tomb first.  And their response?  Anger?  Fear?  Sadness?  Worry?  Not at all! 

They saw and believed!  They believed!  Not because of what they saw but because of what they didn’t see!  They didn’t see a body; they saw an empty tomb and they believed!  Such an intense moment of faith!  Faith in Jesus!  In His words and teachings!  In His promise of the Resurrection and new life in the Kingdom!

Years ago, back in the early 1970’s when I was working as Assistant Dean in the College of Arts and Sciences at Loyola University, I said good night and ‘have a good weekend’ to Charlie, my dean and good friend.  And that was the last time I saw him alive.  A few hours later, he suffered a sudden brain aneurysm and passed away.  If I ever had any doubts before, this was the moment when all those doubts disappeared!  And as much as I grieved over his loss, it was the moment in my life that I truly believed that death was not the end!  It couldn’t be!  That moment of certainty that there is a loving and compassionate God who shelters and protects us!  And that without question there is a Resurrection, life after death!

Was it an ‘alleluia’ moment?  Not exactly!  There was no jumping for joy or shouting out in exaltation!  It was a quiet moment when all was made clear, when faith filled my heart and my soul.  A moment when a calmness washed over me and, in the simplest of terms, I saw and I believed!

And isn’t that what happens with John and Peter in today’s Gospel?  When that moment of faith comes upon them and they believed!  It is a clear reminder to us all – Faith comes first and from that deep faith comes a multitude of ALLELUIAS!

And isn’t that what we celebrate today?  We Believe!  We believe in God the Father!  We believe in the Holy Spirit!  We believe in Jesus Christ, true God and true Man!  We believe that He was crucified, suffered death and was buried!  We believe that He rose from the dead on the third day!  And we look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come!  And we shout for joy!  

Amen!  Alleluia!


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