Monday – 2nd Week in Ordinary Time

Gospel – Mark 2:18-22

The Love of God

View from Mt Tabor

  After reading over today’s Gospel, I keep getting this image of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.  I know, seriously warped!  Anyway, it’s the scene where a group of hooded monks process through the village, chanting over and over “Pie Iesu Domine, dona eis requiem.”  And then they go and smack their foreheads with a wooden board again and again.  It leaves you with the impression that God is essentially a God of pain and punishment, where we have to inflict pain on ourselves for Him to notice and forgive.

That’s why the people are complaining to Jesus – why aren’t your disciples fasting and atoning for sin?  That is when Jesus sets them straight!  God is not so much a vengeful God; He is a God of Love.  He is our Father and that is a cause for celebration and joy, not sadness and fear. Just like a wedding feast!  Weddings and wedding receptions are time to set aside fasting; they are moments of hope and promise, of a love professed and a bond unshakeable. 

Does that mean that they won’t be times of trial and upset in a marriage?  Of course not!  But what sustains a marriage, what helps it to grow, is that mutual love of husband and wife.  And so it is with our relationship with God.  There are moments of great celebration and joy; there are moments of doubt and upset.  But through it all, it is God’s love that is constant and eternal. 

So in spite of all the hardships and sacrifices we are experiencing these days, let’s not forget to spread a little joy as well.  God loves us!  And that is cause for celebration!



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