Friday – Fifth Day in Christmas Octave

Gospel – Luke 2:22-35

Now What Do I Do?

Town of Nazareth

I remember the day our daughter was born, all that joy and celebration at the birth of this beautiful child.  Truth be told, I was feeling a lot more than happiness that day when I held Jaime in my arms for the first time.  There was also quite a bit of panic, concern, doubt, even a bit of fear.  Now what?  This little child is completely dependent on us – for food, clothing, shelter, for life!  What if we screw it up?  What if we say or do something wrong, something that scars her for the rest of her life?  What a daunting task for parents of a new-born!  What a mix of emotions as we faced life together!

Consider today what Mary and Joseph must have been going through!  New parents of a first-born!  The wonder and joy of the birth of this newborn son!  Mary pondering the words of Gabriel from the Annunciation and Joseph of his dream!  Their reaction to the visit of the shepherds and the Magi!  And now encountering Simeon in the Temple and his words that Jesus will be the Saviour of all and a light of revelation to the Gentiles! Can you imagine their reaction?  Fear?  Doubt?  Concern?   No pressure, right?  No worries, right?

And yet the story ends with – they returned to Nazareth and the Child grew strong and filled with wisdom.  That says a lot, not just about their parenting skills but certainly about their faith in God!  And that, I think, is the message we can and should learn from today.  no matter what we are going through, no matter what life is throwing at us, no matter our doubts or fears – Trust In The Lord!  Trust in His love and in His Spirit! Draw your strength and courage from Him and believe that, whatever trials we face today, they are only a hurdle, not a roadblock!


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