Friday – 34th Week in Ordinary Time

Gospel – Luke 21:29-33

Words, Words, Words  

Caiaphas’ House, Jerusalem

Back when I was a Sophomore at the University of Maryland, my Dad and I had a ‘little’ disagreement.  It was the height of the Vietnam War; it was the year of Kent State, protests and the Moratorium and my draft number was 115 out of 365 (not good).  I told my Dad that I was against the war and that, if I was drafted, I wouldn’t serve.  His response: “that’s fine but if you do that, you are no longer my son.”    I was never called up so we did not have to go down that road any further.  Many years later, he and I were on the phone talking about nothing special – the weather, football, family.  And out of the blue, he says “you know that whole Vietnam War thing; well, you were right and I was wrong.”  And that was that!  Words!  Simple and direct!  But even after 50 years, they hold such meaning and love.

Words!  Words!  Words!  They can be hurtful or helpful!  They can be memorable and stick in our brains.  I remember those 2 conversations like they happened yesterday, word for word!  I am sure most of us have conversations that stay with us and have had a lasting impact.

And that is what Jesus is telling us today about His words!  The earth will pass away!  The sky will pass away!  We will pass away!  But Jesus’ words, those words of eternal life, will never pass away!  His words will never pass away!  Jesus’ promise of eternal life will never pass away!

So your homework today?  What words of Jesus are the most helpful, the most memorable to you?  What words of His stick with you no matter the day or year?  What words of His have had the most impact on you?


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