Sunday – Feast of the Holy Family Gospel – Luke 2:22-40 Family’s First Christmas St Joseph’s Church, Nazareth I don’t know if our family is the crazy one but we have a set tradition when we put up our Christmas tree. It all turns into a family history lesson as we select each ornament and add it to the tree. We reminisce! We remember when we got the ornament, what year it was, what special event it celebrates! I imagine, over the years, the family gets a little tired of hearing the same story over and over. But I think it’s important to remind ourselves of our roots as a family and pass on that history to the next generation. And so, even though it was just the 2 of us, the history lesson and the fond memories continued this year. This ornament? That was our first Christmas together as husband and wife. This one? That was the year we bought our house! This one? That ornament has been...