Saturday – Sts Simon and Jude
Gospel – Luke 6:12-16
Hey Jude!
Renewal of
Baptism Vows, Jordan River
Today we celebrate the Feasts of Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles! Simon, but not Peter! Jude but not Judas! Except for Simon being called a Zealot and Jude speaking to Jesus at the Last Supper, we have very little details about their life and mission. One apocryphal text has them preaching and being martyred in Persia.
So what do we know? Jesus spent the night on the mountain to pray. He calls each of the Twelve by name! And he gives them a mission, to be apostles – to hear His words and teachings and then to spread that same word.
Sounds a lot like Baptism! Hopefully, those of us who are parents spent time praying and preparing for the Baptism of our children, reflecting on the meaning of becoming a child of God and the demands of raising that child in the faith – teaching them and praying with them, Then at the beginning of the Rite, the priest/deacon asks “what name do you give your child?” And then he calls them by name and welcomes them.
And then the mission! Parents and godparents are reminded of their responsibility to raise their child in the faith! They are called to renew their Baptismal promises to believe in God and to reject Satan and all his works. The child is given a new white garment, blessed with sacred oils as strength for the journey, and the parents are given a candle to be kept burning bright so that their child may be enlightened by Christ.
And so today as we celebrate the moment when Simon and Jude were called by name and given their mission, let’s also reflect on our own Baptism where God called us by name to be His adopted child, to live in the light and to spread the Word!
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