Monday – Feast of Mary Mother of the Church

Gospel – John 19:25-34

Help Me, Mom!

Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation, Nazareth

 I can’t begin to count, much less remember, all the times my mom has come to my aid when I needed it.  Caring for me when I was sick, helping me with that difficult math homework, supporting me when I moved into my first apartment, listening to me when life got difficult, protecting me when I fell and skinned my knee.  Most of the time, it was a dirty, thankless job but she did it anyway and she never looked for thanks or recognition.  She did it all out of love.

We celebrate today the Feast of Mary, Mother of the Church.  It is a reminder to us all that Mary is not only Jesus’ Mother, but our own.  Today’s Gospel tells us the same story.  At the cross, Jesus tells John that Mary is now his mother and he is her son.  By extension, we have all become Mary’s children and Mary truly is Mother of the Church.

And if we run to our own mothers in times of trouble, times of pain and anguish, so too are we called to run to Mary, to pray for her intercession in times when our soul needs comfort and encouragement.  Certainly during these past few days of violence and unrest, of fear for one’s safety and well-being, at a time when we pray for guidance and leadership, we call to Mary.  Help us to heal our wounds, hear us in this troubled time, support our worried souls, and be with us as we search for meaning and peace.  Aho!


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