Wednesday – 5th Week in Lent

Gospel - John 8:31-42


Church of St. Joseph, Nazareth

Who’s your Daddy?  Who is the one you turn to when you need advice or comfort or direction?  Who is the one who tells you the truth and helps you to see light in times of darkness?  Who guides you, corrects you and encourages you?  Even after his passing 19 years ago, my Dad still is ‘the one’!  He still continues to counsel and serve as an example of how to be a person of charity and of compassion and forgiveness.  Even today he remains my moral compass.  And, believe me, when I falter or stumble, my ‘fatherly’ conscience lets me have it!  But I also know that, besides being a child of Will, I am also a child of God.

And that is what Jesus reminds us of in today’s Gospel.  As Jesus continues to spar with the Pharisees, they argue that they are the children of Abraham (man), children of the Law.  Jesus challenges them by reminding them they are, first and foremost, children of God.

In all honesty, we know we are both children of man and children of God.  But do we really believe that?  Do we really give each “parent” the time and the love that they deserve?  How much quality time to we give – to our human parents, to our Father in heaven?  How much of it is time where we grow together in a closer relationship?   

And what about God, our Father?  How much time are we spending with Him?  Are we doing anything to grow closer in relationship with Him?  Have we learned anything new about Him?  Have we opened ourselves up to Him, shared ourselves with Him?   


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