Sunday – 5h Sunday in Lent
Gospel – John 11:1-45
Raising of Lazarus
Entrance to The Tomb, Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Jesus – fully divine and fully human!  It’s a core belief but I wonder how often we really take the time to reflect on it. Jesus is divine, Son of God and He is also completely human. He shares his humanity in common with us. It reminds me of a prayer I say as a Deacon at Mass at Offertory – “through this mingling of water and wine, may we come to share in the divinity of Christ who humbled Himself to share in our humanity.”

This story about the raising of Lazarus from the dead brings that belief to reality. We see Jesus at His most human and at His most divine!   The one He loves is ill.  Imagine that – Jesus has friends!  And it grieves Him to learn Lazarus is ill.  But consider this!  Jesus knew Lazarus was dead before He got the news but still He cried! He knew Lazarus would be alive in a few moments and yet still He cried! He knew death is not forever but the Kingdom is eternal and still He cried! He knows the world is full of sorrow and pain and regret and loss and depression and devastation and He cried. He cried because knowing the end of the story (the Kingdom of Heaven) doesn’t mean you don’t cry at the sad parts along the way.

Today’s Gospel story reminds us that, even as the events of Good Friday draw near, so also Easter Sunday beckons to us and fills our hearts with joy and hope!  And even in moments of personal pain and sickness, even on our death bed, Jesus is right there with us. He is right by our side through it all, as our brother, as our Savior, as our dear Friend.



  1. Thank you for your homily Decon Frere While in Nurseing I have seen many miracles especially with babies and older children Menenjites children were sent to the childrens floor where I worked children were sent to a doctor on the floor where their doctor gave up all hope The staff prayed for the child and with Gods help and the doctors many children even burned children
    Pulled through and lived many people called Dr Alverado the miracle doctor but it was nothing alone it was Jesus working through him that saved those children


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