Wednesday - 3rd Week of Lent

Gospel – Matthew 5:17-19

Teach The Children Well!

Mount of the Beatitudes

“Thank you for being a good teacher to all of us. You made a difference to us and I wanted you to know that. You certainly had the patience of Job dealing with all of us!”

A former student of mine, from almost 30 years ago, sent me this message a while ago.  It is a heartwarming and humbling reminder that somehow some way you really do make a difference.  Many times you go through life without even realizing the effect you have on others by just being yourself, by simple acts of kindness and comforting words.  We all have an amazing effect on those around us, whether we acknowledge it or not.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus speaks not only about the permanency of the Law but also about our responsibility to teach the commandments to others,, not just by our words but by our actions. Whether you accept it or not, we are all teachers!  We know from experience how much children learn from watching us!  They really do listen intently to our words and they remember our actions.  Daddy, why didn’t you stop at the stop sign?  Why did you give that man some money? 

Jesus did not come to abolish the Law.  He came to fulfill it with the law of love, with the Beatitudes, with the commandment to feed, to clothe, to shelter those in need!  He came so that we might obey the commandments and teach them daily by our words and our actions.  He came so that we might love God and love our neighbor as ourselves.  Let us today teach our children well!

A brief word of gratitude to you all!  Exactly 3 years ago today, March 15, 2020, I wrote and posted my first daily Gospel reflection online.  Over 465,000 words later, the Gospel reflections continue unbroken!  Thank you so much for your support, your kind words and your prayers! 


  1. Thank you Deacon Bill for continuing the Gospel reflections. I look forward to them each day. Your stories are so enjoyable and your explanations make the readings easier to understand.


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