Friday – 5 th Week of Lent Gospel – John 10:31-42 One of Those Days Capernaum, Sea of Galilee Ever have one of those days? A day when everything seems to go wrong? You misplace your cellphone, you lock yourself out of the house, you spill your cup of coffee all over yourself and then the boss expects you to work late even though you have family plans! And then, you ask yourself – what next! Jesus is not having a good day! The Jews and Pharisees continue to debate (argue) with Him. They remain stubborn and unconvinced that He is anything but a troublemaker and a blasphemer. They refuse to really listen to His words. They become so upset that they pick up stones to put Him to death. Through it all, Jesus remains calm and tries to ‘reason’ with them. But nothing works. In the end, they try to arrest Him and He flees out of the city. You have to imagine how frustrated and heart-sic...