Saturday – 34th Week in Ordinary Time

Gospel – Luke21:34-36

Sleepy Head!

Outside Capernaum

My guess is that sometime Thursday afternoon or evening, we all settled down for a nice little nap.  And for some of us, that nap extended into Friday, and maybe even today.  All that work and Thanksgiving dinner prep and cleanup finally got to us and we succumbed to a well-deserved rest.  Good thing we didn’t get today’s Gospel passage on Thursday! 

Jesus warns us in today’s Gospel NOT to get drowsy, to stay awake and alert.  He reminds us not to get so involved in this life, not to be distracted by the lures, the distractions and the worries of this life that we are caught unaware when the King returns!  In simplest terms, Jesus calls us to be vigilant, alert and prayerful!  This evening we begin a new liturgical season, a new liturgical year – the Season of Advent!  It is a season that beckons us to prepare for the coming of the Savior at Christmas and to prayerfully await the Second Coming of Christ at the end of time!  So let us recommit ourselves to placing our cares at the foot of the cross, to faithfully await His coming and prayerfully ask for His guidance and grace!


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