Thursday – 30th Week in Ordinary Time

Gospel – Luke13:31-35

Fear is the Mind-Killer

Along the Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem

Wow!  Now this is different; some Pharisees are actually concerned for Jesus’ safety.  And they are warning Him to stay away from Jerusalem because Herod wants Him dead.  But Jesus is not deterred; He is not afraid!  He is determined to continue on His mission and will soon come to Jerusalem where He knows He will be put to death, like so many other prophets!

I am a sci-fi fanatic – Star Trek, Star Wars, you name it!  I even, nerd that I am, have a Star Trek uniform perfect for Halloween when I answer the door.  That devotion also extends to literature. And my all-time favorite sci-fi book is Dune by Frank Herbert!  Throughout that book and the entire series, the hero Paul Atreides has a mantra that he recites in moments of trial and doubt!

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

We all have fear, things and moments of sheer dread that can freeze our actions and cause doubt in our minds.  Sometimes it can be so overwhelming that it cripples our ability to think and to move forward.  But fear and anxiety do not have to rule our lives.

Jesus today shows us that faith in God, faith in Him, can lead us through any trial, any obstacle.  He faces His own death; He faces the cross and He still moves forward to Jerusalem.  He knows that death and suffering are not the end of the story, just a sad moment along the way to the Kingdom and the Kingdom is forever!  So whatever concerns we carry with us today, let us face them with courage and hope and faith!


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