Monday – 31 st Week in Ordinary Time Gospel – Luke14:12-14 Strangers in a Strange Land Sacred Heart Parish, Camden Mississippi Ginger and I spent last weekend on a pilgrimage to a number of missions in Mississippi. In the space of 2 packed days, we visited 4 different parishes/missions maintained by the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity, some of them in existence since the mid-1940’s. One was a mission to members of the Choctaw nation; others were black churches whose parishoners suffered greatly from racism, particularly in the 1960’s and a predominantly Guatemalan parish who continue to recover from ICE raids and forced deportations. This was our first visit to these missions and, while we may have seen ourselves as strangers, we were welcomed and embraced as friends. We never went hungry! Each day we were treated to lunch and dinner, a feast really! This was no simple take-out order from the local Panera or Italian ...