Wednesday – 22nd Week in Ordinary Time
Gospel - Luke 4:38-44
A (Luke)Warm Reception
Peter’s House, Capernaum
In case you hadn’t noticed, this week our daily Gospel readings have shifted from Matthew to Luke. Tradition tells us that Luke was a Gentile and a doctor. So it’s not unusual then that, when Jesus performs a healing miracle, Luke provides a bit more detail to the illness. And so Peter’s mother-in-law is not just “sick”; she is sick with a severe fever. In the days ahead when we go deeper into Luke, you will also see an emphasis on Jesus as the Savior of all people, not just Jews. In fact, He shows a particular affection for the second-class citizens: the poor, the sick, the non-Jews, women and the oppressed.
But today, consider what’s been happening ever since the week began. In any other year, Monday’s reading would have been Luke’s account of Jesus being run out of Nazareth, His home town. In fact, the people tried to throw Him off a cliff. And then look at these past 2 days. Jesus comes to Capernaum, preaches in their synagogue and heals a man possessed by a demon. And then today He heals Peter’s mother-in-law. And the people’s reaction? They are amazed at His words and His authority; anyone who was sick was brought to Him and cured, and they spread the word about this amazing preacher. And they pleaded with Him not to leave!
What a warm reception! What a different reception from what happened in Nazareth! In fact, Jesus comes to make Capernaum His home for the next few years. Yesterday we talked about how we know Jesus. Today the focus is on how do we react to that ‘knowledge’? If we really do believe Jesus is the Son of the Most High, how do we respond? Do we try to push Him out of our life, get rid of Him like the Nazoreans? Or do we provide a warm welcome, open our arms and our hearts to His words and actions? What kind of reception do we give to Jesus? Do we offer such an open response that Jesus doesn’t just visit us but He takes up residence in our hearts?
Great Spirit, allow me today to feel Your presence. Help me to remember and appreciate that You are always here beside me. Give me the openness to welcome You into my life.
A couple of side notes today:
A blessed and healthy 97th birthday to my Mom! You are our rock of faith!
On March 15, 2020, I posted my first Gospel reflection. Today marks our 900th consecutive day of reflections! Thank you all for your support and inspiration on this spiritual journey.
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