Monday – Passion of John the Baptist

Gospel – Mark 6:17-29

Speak The Truth

Along the Jordan River

In one episode of the long-running sci-fi series, Doctor Who gives what amounts to a closing speech to his companions.  The words that ring ‘true’ today are these:  “Speak the truth and be kind; above all else, be kind.”

John the Baptist does indeed speak the truth but it certainly does not come across as kind.  He is blunt and to the point, telling people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear.  It is a necessary part of his mission to call people back to repentance.  And that is what he is doing with Herod, telling him in no uncertain terms that marrying his brother’s wife is wrong!

Herod seems to be on the other side of the truth, saying only what he thinks people want to hear.  He is interested only in his popularity and his power.  He is a prideful man, only concerned with his image and his reputation.  In the end, even though he seems to be drawn to John’s words, he gives in to his baser temptations and fears and has John beheaded.

We seem to be living in a world where truth is abundant but actually listening and living a truthful life is in short supply. Whether it’s out of fear or pride, we falter at times.  Face it, we are all imperfect beings.  But even today John the Baptist calls us to repentance! 

Life is full of choices.  Some days we do well, like John the Baptist.  Other days, we act poorly and fall victim to our own selfish desires and whims, like Herod.  We are reminded today to not allow ourselves to fall victim to our own passions and greed.  We are called to acknowledge our sins and seek forgiveness.  We are called to seek the truth, speak the truth and live the truth.  We pray today to the Creator for the strength and the grace to follow the Lord who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.


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