13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gospel – Luke 9:51-62

On The Road


A father passing by his son's bedroom was astonished to see that his bed was nicely made and everything was picked up. Then he saw an Envelope, propped up prominently on the pillow that was addressed to 'Dad.'

With the worst premonition he opened the envelope with trembling hands and read the letter.

Dear Dad:

It is with great regret and sorrow that I am writing you.  I have had to elope with my new girlfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene with you and mom.  Stacy is so nice. I just know she is the one for me.  But I knew you would not approve of her because of her tattoos, piercings, leather motorcycle clothes and the fact that she is so much older than I am.  Dad, Stacy promised me that we would be very happy together.  She owns a little cabin out in the woods and has already chopped a stack of firewood to get us through the winter.  Please do not worry, Dad, I am 15 and I know how to take care of myself. 

Someday I am sure that we will be back to visit so that you get to know your grandchildren.

 Love you son Josh.

PS:  Dad, none of the above is true.  I am over at Tommy’s house. I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than a bad report card that you will find under my pillow.   I love you.  Call me when it is safe.

It is obvious from his letter that Josh loves his dad and he truly wants to come back home.  But he also knows there will be a price to pay to come home.  He knows there will be a bit of suffering, a reckoning to endure.  He is willing to do it, even give up some privileges – just to come home.

So it is with our readings today!!

Elisha has been called by God to be a prophet, to come home to God, to follow His will.  But in doing so, he will have to give some things up – his lifestyle, his family, his life as a farmer.  He is reluctant and looks for excuses, let me say goodbye first.  Finally what does he do – he sacrifices his oxen and builds a fire from all his tools to burn his offering. He is literally burning his bridges (his past life) and moving forward to follow God

Jesus is on His way to Jerusalem, where He will suffer, die, rise from the dead and ascend to heaven, to return to His Father, to return to His Home!!  He knows the journey home will not be easy.  He will face denial, betrayal, physical suffering, anguish, abandonment and death.  And yet He still goes – because of his love for His Father, his desire to return home, and His love for us.

He offers His followers the same choice – come, follow Me! And many, like Elisha, are reluctant; they make excuses!  Let me say goodbye first!  Let me bury my father first!  Jesus’ response sounds harsh at first but it is a reminder to us that we need to focus on the road ahead and not spend our days and our concerns on what lies behind us! 

It reminds me of a Native American tradition where all the doors in a home face east!  It calls us to face the rising sun, the beginning of a new day, what is to come and not to look back at what WAS!

Jesus offers us the same opportunity – to come home to Him, to come to the Kingdom of Heaven.  And today’s readings remind us that the journey to the Kingdom will not be easy.  There will be sacrifices, there will be things and people and relationships that we will have to give up, let go in order to move forward. 

We are all called to follow Jesus – what is it that holds us back, what is there that we need to let go of?? 

What bridges do we need to burn in order to answer the call?

We are offered eternal life in heaven – how much is that worth??


  1. So beautiful. What a great lesson. Thank you for making it so applicable.
    Gif bless,
    Mary Anne


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