Thursday – 13 th Week in Ordinary Time 6/30/22 Gospel – Matthew 9:1-8 A Helping Hand Magdala Chapel A couple of weeks ago, I stopped at the drug store yesterday to pick up a prescription. No, not for me! This one was for one of our cats, Gracie, who was suffering from high blood pressure. Little did I know that was the last time I would pick up a prescription for her. Days later we would have to say goodbye to her as she succumbed to her final illness. As the pharmacist was ringing up the purchase, she asked me if I had any questions about the medication. I told her NO, especially since Gracie and I are both taking the same drug. She just burst into laughter and thanked me for really making her day! Looking back now on that moment, it reminds me how sometimes all it takes is just a few words to brighten someone else’s day! What you think is a simple gesture can be a miracle, a kindness, to someone...