Monday - 7th Week of Easter

Gospel – John16:29-33

Hope and Courage

Church of Peter Primacy, Sea of Galilee

By now, I think we are all just a bit afraid to turn on the news or open the newspaper, worried that we will be faced with another shooting, another massacre, another heart-wrenching tragedy. 

“I have told you this so that you might have peace in me.
In the world you will have trouble,
but take courage, I have conquered the world.” 

Today’s Gospel offers all of us words of hope and comfort.  Jesus is sharing His final words with His disciples, His friends.  He knows what is to come.  In a matter of hours, He faces suffering and death.  And yet His focus is completely on the Apostles!  And He reminds them that, even when they are scattered, they are not alone; they never will be!  He will continue to guide them, encourage them and inspire them!  Whatever hardships they will face, they will find peace in Jesus!

God knows we are all in great need of hope, of courage in world torn apart by violence, bloodshed, hatred and racism.  We all are feeling alone and abandoned, at a loss to explain, much less understand, the tragedy of Uvalde.   Our minds and our hearts are scattered and shattered by such evil.  But Jesus tells us over and over again – we are not alone; we will find peace in Him!

May we all, in the words of today’s Gospel, be a source of peace and courage to all those in need!


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