Friday – Second Week of Easter
Gospel – John 6:1-15
Nothing Left to Waste
Leftovers, Upper
Let’s go back to the beginning of this 2-year struggle with Covid, back to when all the restrictions were in place and we were all effectively quarantined at home, except in case of some emergency. It was a time when most of us probably cleaned out the pantry and the freezer, making do with what we had and, in the process, cooking a variety of ‘creative’ meals. Nothing went to waste! We made sure to re-purpose leftovers for another meal or two.
Truth be told, we continue to be very particular in not wasting a bit of food; we continue, as best we can, to not throw out any leftovers. We have come to appreciate what we have and to not let any of it go to waste.
And isn’t that what we hear in today’s Gospel – nothing will be wasted! Of course, at the time, Jesus was speaking of the 12 baskets of food left over from the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. But the words strike much deeper than a loaf of bread or a salted fish. What about us? How often do we say that we are nothing special? How often do we tell ourselves I have nothing to offer, no real talent for anything? And we leave it go to waste!
Maybe that is the challenge for us today! Do we recognize the gifts that God has given us? Do we use them? Do we give thanks to Him for those talents? Do we put them to good use for those around us? Or do we reject the gift and let it go to waste? Our God is a God of love and abundance. He has gifted each of us with special talents and abilities. He leaves nothing to chance! He lets nothing go to waste! We all have a purpose in life. Do not let it go to waste!
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