Tuesday – 4th Week of Lent   -   revisited
Gospel – John 5:1-16
Cure of the Sick Man
On the Shores of Sea of Galilee

The man in today’s Gospel is sick and needs help for even the simplest of tasks. And he has been that way for 38 years. He hasn’t just lost the ability to walk; he has lost the will to walk!

How many times have we been in the same circumstance? Weighed down by the stresses of life, whether it’s physical or emotional, we just can’t move. Paralyzed by fear, anger, loss, depression, overwhelmed by the demands of a complicated life and a crazy mixed-up world, we just don’t want to move. Rather we pull the covers over our head and try to shut the world out!

And yet all it took for that man was a few words from Jesus – Rise and walk! Jesus speaks those same words to us, sometimes in our prayers, sometimes in the voice of a child or a best friend. Be strong, get up and walk, lean on me if you have to, you are not alone! You are never alone!


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