Thursday – 4th Week of Lent - revisited Gospel – John 5:31-47 Words and Works Boat Chapel, Magdala Jesus tells the crowds that essentially this is how you see the Father – through my words and through my works. What I say and what I do give testimony to the Father. That reminds us that words are not enough. It is not enough to say we are Christian; our actions need to reflect our Christian faith. So in this time of isolation and separation, we may find it is easy for the words to come, for the time to pray! But how do we put our faith into action when we are so limited in movement. How about calling loved ones to check on their well-being? What about a live chat with that best friend? How about making “thinking of you” cards for the neighbors? How about just playing an old fashioned board game with the family or putting together a jigsaw puzzle? Simple things that reflect our love and concern! So what are you going to do today??