Tuesday – Conversion of St. Paul

Gospel – Mark16:15-18

Good News For All

At Prayer, Church of Holy Sepulchre

We celebrate today the Conversion of St. Paul.  His story is familiar – journeying to Damascus to continue his persecution of the early Church, blinded by a bright light, struck down off his horse and Jesus’ words – why are you persecuting me? 

It is hard to imagine what the Church would look like today if it weren’t for the missionary efforts of St. Paul.  He is truly the Apostle to the Gentiles; he is the one who brought the Good News to the non-Jewish population and it is through him that the message spread throughout the known world. 

There is one line in today’s Gospel that should strike at our hearts – Go out into the world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature!  It is a message that should resonate with all of us, not just the Apostles after the Ascension, not just with Paul, but with all of us.  If Jesus’ message is one of love, to love our neighbor, to love everyone, then the message is for everyone and the message must be spread by everyone! 

We are all called to share the message of love, to bring the Good News to people in our own time and place, each of us in our own way!  So let’s take some time today in prayer asking the Lord to help us appreciate the unique gifts He has given each one of us and to give us the strength to share the Good News with our neighbors.  Most of us have never experienced being struck down by God tasked with a life-changing experience like Paul.  But for some of us, it may take getting knocked off our high horse before we really ‘get’ the Good News!

Great Spirit, help me today to teach only love, to learn only love!



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