Saturday – 34th Week in Ordinary Time
Gospel – Luke21:34-36
Sleepy Head!
Outside Capernaum
My guess is that the one word that stands out for all of us in today’s Gospel is “drowsy.” Is there any of us who did NOT nap after their Day of Giving Thanks feast? I doubt it! Once I sat down (after my second dessert) and tried to watch the last football game of the day, I crashed! So say we all!!!
Today’s Gospel reading is Jesus’ last words we hear for this liturgical year. Tomorrow is the First Sunday of Advent, the beginning of a new year! So Jesus’ words should have special importance to us all in terms of how we will begin this new year!
Jesus warns us in today’s Gospel NOT to get drowsy, to stay awake and alert. He reminds us not to get so involved in this life, not to be distracted by the lures, the distractions and the worries of this life that we are caught unaware when the King returns! Considering today amounts to ‘new year’s eve”, I think it’s significant that Jesus cautions us not to overdo the carousing and the drinking! So try not to party too hard tonight;)
In simplest terms, Jesus calls us to be vigilant, alert and prayerful! This evening we begin a new liturgical season, a new liturgical year – the Season of Advent! It is a season that beckons us to prepare for the coming of the Savior at Christmas and to prayerfully await the Second Coming of Christ at the end of time! So let us recommit ourselves to placing our cares at the foot of the cross, to faithfully await His coming and prayerfully ask for His guidance and grace!
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