Thursday – Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles

Gospel – Luke 6:12-16

Any Given Name

Rosary Procession,, Nazareth

So a simple question to start the day!  When you were little, how did you know that you were in trouble at home??  My guess is that Mom or Dad called you by name.  Not your nickname or familiar name!  Your given name!  And not just your first name, your whole name, middle name included!  That usually meant you were in trouble, big trouble!  William Joseph Frere Jr, come here!  Uh oh!  How worse can it get, unless they also included your Confirmation name?

We celebrate today the Feast of the Apostles Simon and Jude.  Simon, but not Peter!  Jude but not Judas!  And what do we know about them?  What stories about them do we find in the Gospels or Acts of Apostles?  Short answer –NOTHING!  All we have is their name, mentioned in today’s Gospel!  And that is it!  But that simple fact is so worthwhile and telling!

But what we do know is this – Jesus called them by name and they responded!  They answered His call and are counted as one of the Twelve we call Apostles.  They followed His path, they preached and spread the Word!  And maybe that is all that matters!  It is a reminder to us all that Jesus calls each one of us by name and challenges us to be Christ-like, to spread the Gospel message of love and forgiveness! 

How do we answer the call???


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