Tuesday 26th Week in Ordinary Time
Gospel – Luke 9:51-56
Traffic in Jerusalem
Face it, over the past year or so, we have all lost our patience, probably more than once. Maybe it was that guy who cut us off in traffic, that person who jumped the long line at the grocery store, that parent who couldn’t control their kid’s tantrum at the store, that friend who just wasn’t listening when we poured out our heart to them or that child of ours who has yet to figure out how clothes hangers work! We have all pushed that “I’ve had enough” button!
For myself, I admit it – I am becoming a bit of an impatient driver! How is it possible that there are so many “drivers” out there so in need of a refresher course in driving etiquette? And you know what puts me over the edge? Drivers who insist on passing cars on the right, especially in the city at stop lights! I mean, really, how dare you try to pass me and get ahead of me. Wait your turn; slow down! Sound familiar?
Every single day we are confronted with obstacles and frustrations! Situations and people who insist on trying our patience, on fraying our last nerve! We see it in today’s Gospel. Jesus and the disciples are heading to Jerusalem. And when He sends some of them to a Samaritan town to prepare for His arrival, the people there refuse! They will not welcome Jesus, much less allow them to pass through the village. And the disciples’ reaction? Let’s call down fire from heaven and burn the town to the ground. Seriously? A bit extreme? Talk about losing one’s patience!
And Jesus’ reaction? A simple rebuke and then they moved on to another village! No dwelling on the subject, no sending the disciples to their room! Just a rebuke, a reminder to let it go and move on! In the end, Jesus sets the example for the disciples to follow. He addresses the problem and then doesn’t allow the disciples to dwell on it! And that is the example He sets for us as well!
Patience and mercy!
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