Wednesday – 13th Week in Ordinary Time
Gospel – Matthew 8:28-34
The Demons Inside
Mount Precipice, outside Nazareth
Back when Ginger and I were first dating, I decided to take her to see the movie “The Exorcist”. It was an unsettling and terrifying experience. And being the gentleman I was (still am), I decided to accompany her home even though it was in the opposite direction of my apartment. Truth be told, being a gentleman had absolutely nothing to do with it. I was just as unnerved by the movie and had no desire to be by myself any longer than necessary.
While they may not be the sort that we saw in the Exorcist, we are all, in some way, fighting demons. They may be in the form of addictions to alcohol or drugs. They may be painful moments from the past that haunt us daily and prevent us from moving forward. They may be unhealthy personal relationships that we just don’t have the strength to break away from. They may be habits like anger or selfishness or greed that limit our growth and isolate us from our family and friends.
Jesus and the disciples arrive at the land of Gadara, the southeastern shore of the Galilee. And it is there that He casts out 2 demons. He sends them into a herd of swine (filthy animals for the Jews) which then rush off the cliff into the sea.
We fight these demons every single day, every moment. And as time goes on, we realize we can’t maintain this battle all on our own. We rely on the love and concern of our family, our friends and, most importantly, our faith. A faith that reminds us that, whether the storms are in front of us or inside of us, we are not alone! God is with us! He is there always to guide us, support us, save us from our demons!
Great Spirit, help me today to move beyond my fears, my insecurities, my doubts, my demons. Help me to see beyond my faults and failings and appreciate the good within. Calm the demons inside of me so that I can be a source of good not only for myself but for others. Aho!
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