Tuesday – 11th Week in Ordinary Time    (revisited)

Gospel – Matthew 5:43-48


Stone of Anointing, Church of Holy Sepulchre

I made a mistake yesterday!  And I really screwed up 2 days ago!  And I can guarantee you I will mess up sometime today and even tomorrow!  News Flash!  I make mistakes, lots of them!  I stumble and fall; I mis-step and mis-judge.  I am human and I am definitely not perfect, far from it!  2nd news flash!  I am not alone!  We are all imperfect beings!

And yet today’s Gospel ends with a troubling line!  “Be perfect just as your Heavenly Father is perfect!”  Seriously?  How is that even possible for me or anyone?  I think we can manage perfection for about an hour or a day if we are lucky.  But to be perfect?  To live a perfect life?  Should we just throw up our hands in frustration and give up now?

The Greek word used in this passage is “teleiosand it really does translate as “perfect”.  But it can also mean “mature” and “whole”.  And maybe that is what Jesus is actually referring to.  Be mature; grow up!  Take responsibility for your actions!  Accept that you make mistakes and work to correct them!  And be whole!  Be committed in your relationships.  Be honest with yourself and others!  Develop a deep and abiding relationship with our Heavenly Father.  Work!  Put in the effort!  Work toward perfection!

I’m reminded of a quote – every saint has a past and every sinner has a future!  Maybe it’s all about hope!  Jesus knows we are frail and fault-filled people.  He knows we all are selfish and sinful. But He still saved us, still gave up His life on the cross to atone for our sins. The sun rises on all of us, good and bad.  The rain falls on all of us, just and unjust.  We are all children of God; the Creator made each and every one of us.  And the Creator does not make mistakes. 

Hope in God! I will praise Him still, my Savior and my God!


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