Tuesday – 7th Day in Christmas Octave Gospel – John 1:1-18 Past, Present and Future Latin / Greek, Jerusalem Today’s Gospel – the opening chapter of the Gospel of John – really takes me back in time, all the way to my freshman year in college in the Seminary. It was a tough academic year; we were taking 3 different languages at once: French, Latin and Greek. And because it used a completely different set of written characters, Greek was the most difficult to not only learn but retain. I can remember we all crafted homemade flash cards for the vocabulary, and we carried them around with us everywhere. We had to constantly refresh ourselves and test ourselves; otherwise, we lost it so quickly! Which brings me to today’s Gospel. I have a special fondness for these verses; they were one of the first Greek translations we ever tackled. Even today I can still rattle off the first couple of verses in Greek from memory. And...