Monday – 26 th Week in Ordinary Time Gospel – Luke 9:46-50 The Child In All of Us Every Child Matters PowWow Life got you down? Struggling to find enough money to buy the groceries or gas up the car? Feeling lost or abandoned? Everywhere you turn, you see sadness or anger? Overwhelmed by senseless violence in the neighborhood or the insensitivity of people to the plight of the downtrodden? Getting kicked while you were down and you wonder why bother even getting up? Feeling like you lack the patience of Job (first reading today)? Jesus gives us the answer to these questions in today’s Gospel! Be a child! Welcome others! If you want to be the best, you must be the least. You must accept this child in My name and, if you do, then you have accepted Me. Stop arguing and treat everyone like you would a child. The Kateri Center and American Indian Health co-hosted their annual ...