
Showing posts from September, 2024
  Friday 24 th Week in Ordinary Time Gospel – Luke 8:1-3 A Dignified Approach Jesus and Mary Magdalene, Magdala So a question – how old were you when you realized that “Mom” wasn’t really your mother’s name?   When did you find out that she had a real first name, like Susan or Louise?   Wow, imagine that, a special name, just like me and you, not just “mom”!   It seems rather trivial and unimportant but it makes a huge difference.   It gives her a certain dignity, a uniqueness all her own. The Gospel today is very short but the implications are immense.   Jesus is travelling from town to town accompanied by the Twelve – notice they are NOT called by name.   they are all just lumped together as one unit.   But then something unusual happens – women are mentioned.   And here things get special.   They are mentioned as individuals; they are each called by name.   Compare that with yesterday’s Gospel where the woman who crashed the Pharisee’s dinner party was NOT given a nam
  Thursday 24 th Week in Ordinary Time Gospel – Luke 7:36-50 Hospitality 101 Home!  In the process of unpacking and moving, Ginger and I have been very meticulous and careful in setting up our new home.   We brought very little of our Chicago furniture.   So a lot of time and thought and measuring has gone into picking out each and every chair, table and sofa, even to the point of buying one item at a time and seeing how it fits/looks before adding another piece to the room.   We want to make sure everything fits comfortably and is arranged just so. But more importantly we want our home to be a warm and inviting place for guests!   We want it to be hospitable!   Open door!   Open arms!   Open heart!   Visitors are now welcome! Quite the opposite of what we read in today’s Gospel.   A Pharisee has invited Jesus to his home for dinner.   But hospitality is sadly lacking, even non-existent.   He doesn’t greet Jesus with a kiss.   He doesn’t wash His feet to wipe away the du
  Wednesday – 24 th Week in Ordinary Time First Reading – 1 Corinthians 12:31 – 13:13 LOVE! Mount Zion I Love My Wife! I Love Ginger! There, I said it! Always and forever, no matter what the circumstance or difficulty or detour in this road we call life, I Love Her! But you know what?   Those are just words and, if that’s all there is, then is it really love?? Today’s First Reading is probably one of the most familiar, most well-known readings.   It’s used at anniversary celebrations, at funerals and most especially at weddings.   It is a constant reminder that love demands action, not just words. It is a Christian call to action, to love others!   Not just our family and friends but to love all! The poor, the sick, the marginalized, the forgotten and neglected, and those whose views are different from our own. We are called to love everyone no matter the race, gender, color, nationality, or politics! And we are reminded today that love is the greatest of virtues. It remin